👨‍🏫 Quest Guides

How to use OctoPeeps Discord Invite Tracker correctly.

What if you can't see the Lost Toys Quest Channels?

Well, sometimes it's happening because of your custom Discord settings. To make all the channels visible, move to Browse Channels, scroll down to the LOST TOYS QUEST category and put the checkmark in front of Follow Category.

You will then be able to see this category at the sidebar under the MAIN SPOT category. You also better to select all the categories as well because you'll need to visit some of the channels inside of them during the quest.

How to buy the Lost Toys Quest Discord items.

To buy any of the Lost Toys Quest Discord items use OctoPeeps Capitan bot /buy command and choose the desirable item in drop-up menu:

How to buy Lost Toys Quest Item on Raffle Market.

One of the tasks of our Lost Toys Quest is to buy a special Lost Toys Quest Item for $FATH on our Raffle Market to test how it works if you are a new in OctoPeeps. To do this, visit our Raffle Market, connect your wallet, move to the WL Spots tab and simply buy the NFT.

How to buy @Lite List and @Prime List roles for $FATH.

If you are an OctoPeeps holder already and have enough $FATH you can upgrade your @White List role without quest completion by purchasing the desirable Role NFT on our Raffle Market. You can buy 8 @Lite List role NFTs and 8 @Prime List role NFTs per wallet to gift or sell them. Just keep one for yourself so as not to lose your upgraded WL role.

To do this visit our Raffle Market, connect your wallet, move to ERC-1155 tab, and simply buy the desirable NFT. Once it's done the corresponding role will be assigned to you automatically as far as your wallet connected to CollabLand bot in OctoPeeps # ✅┊nft-verify Discord channel.

Last updated